Re: Answer to Gandhi

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Posted by Voices of Wisdom from ( on Thursday, July 04, 2002 at 1:02PM :

In Reply to: Answer to Gandhi posted by panch from ( on Thursday, July 04, 2002 at 12:07PM :

Where are we going?

Jews have many many wonderful things to teach us...there are many places we could learn from...but we don't.

: We've made it so that "real" Assyrians are also self destructive ones...are sterile in their ability to produce Asyrian offspring.

: We've been dealing with small things all of our lives...our churches make us that way. Yes they do...the younger we start in them the more so.

: Father Benny will go work where the Vatican sends him. If they send him to us...he'll go. If they send him to Africa, he'll go. Who will inspire people like him to work for us...where is our Europe...where is our Holy Israel.

: To top it off we will kill and destroy Betnahrain, even if direct descendants of the Assyrians live there now...just because they turned one way...towards Islam...while we turned another way...towards Christianity...and one faction moved towards Arab culture while we moved towards American culture. The Assyrian Heritage gets lost and trashed between them all.

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