BBC Never Heard Of Assyrians

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Posted by panch from ( on Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 7:51PM :

In the news today a reporter who visited northern Iraq back when the Kurds were encouraged to fight Saddam, then left to be killed, abandoned by the United States...spoke about how good things are there today...with the Kurds running a pretty tight ship while sniping at each other.

200,000 Kurds were taken out to the desert and shot by Saddam. I know our Christian brothers will be pleased to hear that...and they wont be surprised when Kurds are pleased when they hear of 200,000 Christians taken out and shot. That's the dismal arithmatic these guys practise...though we haven't as many to spare.

They say the US government is trying to convince the Kurds that an effort to remove Saddam is imminent. Left to themselves the Kurds feel they could give Saddam a thrashing. They're keeping a wary eye on the Americans though...not being Christians they don't place much faith in Christians who've repeatedly broken their world to us and everyone else.

The two factions under Barzani and Talabani both do business with Saddam...and guess who's caught in the middle of this mess...again?

Either way, we're going to get it. This is not necessarily a bad thing cause whoever kills us is gonna be a Muslim, so we just might be able to turn this to Chicago's advantage. There's always hope.

If it happens, or rather, when it one will hear of they don't know about us now. Our great Heritage and people wil get chopped up some more...and with any luck the roofs and orchards will be spared...for someone else.

Without being known in this country, we have even less of a chance. I wonder if people think I'm doing this to sell more sculptures...make myself famous?

Oh Grandpa...

-- panch
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