Re: The Management Wishes...

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Posted by panch from ( on Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 12:05PM :

In Reply to: Re: The Management Wishes... posted by Lilly from ? ( on Tuesday, July 09, 2002 at 10:58AM :

I don't much care. When I said no one cared about the next few generations in Iraq...I was called cynnical. I'm just being realistic. Who cares about rhe poor and sick in this country...on the streets here? Who really cares about the AID's pandemic...what religious person doesn't really think AID's is a suitable punishment for promiscuity and drug use and "that" sort of lifestyle? And who would come out and say it? We're just used to dancing around the obvious.

If we had any kind of a unifying ethic or desire, we'd have enough Assyrians already to pay ten bucks each and we'd raise enough for Lina. Try getting enough of them together for the next Lina now...and see what you'll get. They'll weep over her when she's they do for the "murdered martyrs"...because they like to weep...they like the helplessness, the spittle, the anonymity, the pious reafirmation that they really are weak and the despised of the earth, despising themselves and each other and keeping themselves weak for the greater glory of a life "up there" Hell, they might even be thinking , "lucky Lina...she'll be there soon."...far prefer it to taking any respectable place as Assyrians in their own right. What's so awaful about being "slashed" Assyrians ...we're all of us Assyrian/Humans anyway.

The same hypocrasy that drives these martyr fests...including Jackie's highly touted "successful" one, will fuel the tributes and memorials and church wonder we're ashamed to proclaim our Assyrianism.

-- panch
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