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Posted by panch from ( on Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 9:17PM :

The guy is SO absurd I didn't even pick up on what he was saying on the phone. Why the hell would the mayor of Chicago be the one to talk to, even over a cup of coffee, about putting the Shumirum in another city, with its own mayor??? John now wants the statue on the campus of Northwestern University...which isn't in Chicago at's in Evanston.

If John wants it in Evanston, he should talk to THAT mayor. But even do we explain this to Chicago? I tried to get Michael Lash to return the gift, formally. That way Nimrod would have nothing to do with it at all...we could even have found some other group to give it silly as that is. Michael refused flat out...said as far as Chicago was concerned, the Shumirum Monument was theirs...and they had the letter on file giving it to them. They too are waiting for John to drop dead...what a way for the old coot to go out...with everyone waiting for him to get out of the way even if he has to die to achieve this one lqasting benefit to "his" people. For years to come the story will be repeated in Chicago about the Great Assrin Nayshun had to wait for one of them to die before this monument you see before could be installed. What a fitting legacy the guy is building for consistant with everything else he's done "for us".

If the city of Chicago has the legal claim to the monument and is not willing to give it up...what's the mayor of Evanston supposed to do...even if he wanted very much to get into a tussle with Chicago...declare war??? Are we SERIOUS here??? How did we ever evolve into this combination of clown and lunatic???

Lord...what have you done?

-- panch
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