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Posted by truth from ( on Monday, July 22, 2002 at 6:57PM :

In Reply to: I Likewise Hate To Do This...but posted by panch from ( on Friday, July 19, 2002 at 10:15PM :

You obviously must have known some Christians, who misused the grace of God. Such "Christians" are not Christians because they do not know the heart of God. The "holy" and "gooey" feeling that they get afterwards is a mere illusion. True repentance is to renounce sin and enter a relationship with God. Entering a relationship with God is impossible and unfathomable if God does not exist. But God does exist. Repentance is not a process, and Christianity is not a religion. The purpose of Jesus' death isn't so that we can sin and feel good afterwards. The reason why Jesus died is so that we can come back to our natural image, which is to be in the image of God. We have been forgiven for holiness, not for immediate relief. And concerning good works, Christians didn't invent that. Those who think that humanistic works is what Christianity is all about have no idea what Christianity is. Doing good things do not get people anywhere. It is all about knowing Jesus personally. It is about living in the truth. How in the world can we have a relationship with Jesus? Jesus talks about the Holy Spirit, and how he will guide us into all truth. Jesus also talks about how he will come into our hearts and make his home within us. To have the Holy Spirit, living in us and controlling us, is to have a personal relationship with God. This is something that this world cannot explain. Many can argue against the religion of Christianity, but when Christianity claims to be the truth on the evidence of the real existence of the Holy Spirit, the world is left speechless. When one personally experiences the Holy Spirit, he himself has proof that God exists and that he is the truth, though perhaps inexpressible. Holy Spirit makes Christianity the truth, or proves that it is the truth, anyway.
The reason why you argue in the way that you do is because there is no way that you want to give up your sins, and you don't want to make excuses like fake Christians do. It's good that you don't want to make excuses, but in the light of truth, you are nothing but a sinner who refuses to repent because you love your sins too much. Are your sins worth forfeiting living in the truth?

-- truth
-- signature .

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