Posted by panch from ? ( on Friday, August 23, 2002 at 10:23AM :
In Reply to: oh & posted by Lilly from D007109.N1.Vanderbilt.Edu ( on Thursday, August 22, 2002 at 10:29PM :
Russia was the antithesis of the kind of country Marx had in mind. Russia was the most backward of all European countries with a population of illiterate and unskilled serfs...who'd just barely left feudalism behind. They weren't even close to going through the stages of development a nation had to before "evolving" into Communism. He had Germany or England in mind...true communism is something a nation grows can't be enforced through violence. I have no idea what either pure communism or capitalism would be like...I think we got the bum version of them both.
The Russians just traded an autocratic Czar for a party of ten thousand czarlettes.
That wasn't Communism...but just the idea of it, along with Trade Unionism gave American Capitalists the fright of their lives. That was the first really big attack America made on its own people. The War on Drugs is this Terrorim bullshit is another. America is winning and losing.
-- panch
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