Kiddo, from beth

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Posted by panch from ( on Saturday, August 31, 2002 at 10:42PM :

All your words stem from ignorance of your ancient culture, if you only knew what Anu meant in ancient Akkadian/Assyrian you wouldn't have turned it into Anus.

+++And if you guys understood the language you NOW speak, or the culture you NOW live in, or the condition we are NOW wouldn't do half the things you do.

ANU means the high one, or the Heavenly one, he was the supream God of the Sumerians whose culture was transmitted to Assyrians through the Epic of Gilgamesh, whom you tuned into a statue of Ashurbanipal.

+++You got a dictionary?

++++Let's see what you know...Kiddo...where on that statue does it say it is of Gilgamesh? Who first called it that? Do all the European "experts" agree as to what it is a statue of?

+++There are other photos in other books, besides the ONE book you read, with that same sculpture, and it is called "Lion Tamer Hero"....not Gilgamesh. In truth, no one knows who it's supposed to be...the dangers of reading one book.

+++On very few artifacts is there any name or indication of who that person is...and no ten "experts" agree. I simply chose that stance, and added other no time did I claim to be making an exact historical reproduction of Ashurbanipal, if I'd wanted to do it, I could have...I, and those 'experts" of yours, simply chose what I wished to call Ashurbanipal...the Ashurbanipal sculpture is a modern interpretation based on a number of ancient designs...if you had an ounce of culture or sense you'd have understood many people have. We can do a lot more than just copy the ancients forever. It was my interpretation...just as the European who dug up that statue "interpreted" it as being Gilgamesh...probably because of the lion cub. like European experts when they make things up about us...but an Assyrian shouldn't dare? Go suck a BMW.

Your so called Ashurbanipal or Gilgamesh worshipped Anu, or shall I say Anus!

+++Call it what you will...the guy writes like he thinks at that end...I just calls 'em as I sees 'em.

+++Am I supposed to be "ashamed" of myself now? Are you serious? You guys have brought enough shame onto our heads thank you.

+++You all know who I am...are you that ashamed of yourself...whatever your name is?

Sure the English word ANUS is very close to ANU,

+++As close as you are to it.

and it is very tempting to try to score one on ANU by calling him ANUS.

+++You find yourself "tempted" by these sorts of things???

+++I'm not scoring guys wont even come out to play.

But that leaves your back door open, where anyone can equally score a point against you by calling Ashur/Assur as ASS.

+++You leave my back door alone, Perv!

You need to learn your about your Ass (= Assyrian) culture before insulting others.

++++I don't just know about it...I know what to do with to give it some pride of place and get it good publicity...all you are good for is crying on your knees about "Nineveh, Oy Vey Nineveh".

\+++You got to be KiddINGO

-- panch
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