Wet Christians

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Posted by panch from pool0007.cvx24-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net ( on Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 3:06AM :

Panco's writing are very predictable, you don't need to bother reading any of his post any more, because I'll tell you up front what they will be:

+++Okay...so stop reading, they aren't for you anyway.

1. BASHING INDIVIDUALS: Nimrud, Bijan, Jassim, Ross, Ghassan, etc.
2. SELF GLORIFYING: Talking about his statues.
3. ARAB SYMPATHYZER: Defending Arab regimes and Iraqi Baathis.
4. SHEDDING CROCODILE TEARS: on the suffering of the Iraqi children.
5. MOSLEM SYMPATHYZER: Defending Islam.
6. BASHING CHRISTIANS: Attacking Christianity and Jesus.

++++That sums it up pretty well. Nothing to be ashamed of in any of that.

His posts are like a broken record, they repeat the same thing over and overand over and over, until everyone is sick of that.

++++You are afraid of it...and fear makes you sick. This is right about the time you guys complain in the night so I'll get removed and you can go back to the highly stimulating and variety filled and stunningly new observations you all make when I can be removed to make the path easy for you.

+++So...what ideas do you have...besides pancho bashing?

Notice that all through his writings he never talks about Assyrian culture, and the reason is very simple... He knows nothing about ancient Assyrians, and he tries to hide that by attacking others.

++++There is no Assyrian culture...not yet. We will have to re-invent one to replace the awful Christian one you guys want to shove down our throats as the only legitimate one possible. Got ya worried huh?


++++Let me guess...either Saddam or your Momma is gonna get you if you find the courage to get a name...right? Boy...those Muslims will stop at NOTHING to scare a guy out of his Diapers.

-- panch
-- signature .

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