Down At The Courthouse....

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Posted by panch from ? ( on Friday, September 06, 2002 at 12:45PM :

this morning early to see the judge...ex parte. That means "alone"...without the other side there. I needed an extension to serve the leaders of Assyria...had to fill out forms and give reasons...explained about how the leader of Assyria in its Diapers, Atour Golani, has barricaded himself in the house and wont let anyone answer the door. She granted an extension when I told her about Simele.

And they tell me I am the one bringing "discredit" to this "great, Diapered, nation". They act the part of well hung fools and jackasses but must NEVER have it be known...the person bringing their egregious behavior to light is at fault...not the ones who committ these farts and pedophile priest could have wanted it any other way.

It's silly of our Grat Leeders, cause the process servers just start in on your neighbors and take to hanging outside your door at odd hours...they only get paid if they's called "incentive".

After several attempts they send proof that they tried...and you can use that to prove, "due dillegence"...which means you tried in several ways to get the person...the judge can then accept this and use publication or some other means to rule that you are hereby served you might as well come out.

Reading over the papers from the new Law Firm...I saw where they were denying my counter-complaint...I mean who ACCEPTS??? If that was likely you wouldn't be going to court now would you??? Anyway, they deny it all and say I can't expect any compensation because of the concept of, "Unclean Hands". That goes right up there with Shawn's, "International Shoe"...and I'n begining to think they are all included under the heading, "Cosmic Idiots". Each law Firm maybe get's a license for one of these "Shoe" thingies...and get's to use it to confound the others with.

Nice judge...we sat and chatted and she granted my request..."Atour Golani...come out come out wherever you are!!!!!

-- panch
-- signature .

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