Posted by pancho from ( on Monday, September 30, 2002 at 2:00PM :
I realize we have wars coming up, ongoing Sanctions, and one desperately ill young girl facing a Life and Death crisis in Chicago. Threrefore, and with a complete awareness of what is appropriate, I would like to suggest you all check the Lamasu update on the home page.
I know itīs only Art, and therefore is a luxury we may not want to indulge right now...and always remembering that I stand to make a handsome profit from this stuff.
But I would remind you that over three thousand years ago they had wars too, and people faced death and every imaginable threat to their lives and existance. But what we have left from that time, long ago, are the few fragments of the very few pieces weīve managed to retrieve from oblivion. Art is what we have to remember...who remembers the names of the dead?
At a concentration camp liberated after the war, notes by Jews facing death were found hidden away in the rafters...poems. Poems, at a time like that.
Whatever happens the next year, will happen. If there is war and destruction...there will come a time of peace after too. If this young woman dies, and many more like her...and many torn by bombs sent to Iraq with the good wishes for Democracy by Bush and our own Christians...there will still be Life there was after so many battles from centuries and millenia past.
We have always been a reactionary Peple...never pro-active. If we canīt help Lina...there will be others...if we canīt stop this war...there will come peace after it, one we have to fill with something more meaningful than we have to date...or if we stop this one...there will come other wars after it.
These are things we can apparently never stop from happening. But we can write a poem, even when facing death.
What we need more than anything...what we would need even if there was no war in Iraq, no Sanctions, and no death by cancer of innocent young girls...we would still need to promote a greater awareness of our Heritage... for the sake of our children...but also as a duty to the rest of Humanity...for our Heritage is theirs as well...though it is left to us to protect and promote it. We will always need to do no matter what presses against us now, in the immediate the words of Ashurhaddon..."I left monuments for future generations".
It wont be enough for just the people to survive, though that is of most immediate concern...the Heritage, their meaning in survival...has to be kept alive.
So...take a look... and remember what we need to work on for the long long distant future...something Iīll be working on now...even when bombers take off and a girl fights for her life.
So hate me some more...I could care less.
-- pancho
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