Lina Nissan Update

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Posted by Stella from ( on Thursday, October 03, 2002 at 6:52PM :

Lina was admitted to the University of Chicago Hospital on Wednesday, October 2, 2002. She will undergo chemotherapy treatment for the 4-6 days. After the chemotherapy treatment is over,the bone marrow transplant will be performed. All the required testing has been done on Danny, Lina’s brother and bone marrow match, in order for him to be admitted to the hospital on Wednesday, Oct. 2nd. The bone marrow has been collected from Danny.

Although Lina will have her transplant, the need for donations is still there. After the transplant, there will still be about $100,000 more in treatment for the following 6 months to one year. We sincerely thank all of those who have donated in the past and those who will donate in the future.

-- Stella
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