I Got Religion at Beth...a survivors tail

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Posted by panch from pool0021.cvx20-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net ( on Friday, October 11, 2002 at 9:05AM :

+++they don't do religion at beth....Hanna said so, and what Hanna says goes. Just what difference does it make...I mean the starling news that there is corruption in the world...in the church? One Christian faction is bashing another when all of them are about equally bashable. This is what I meant...these trifling religious distinctions that consume our energies...who really gives a damn?

also documented the Assyrian Genocide of Sayfo 1915, in a book titled “Dmo ZliHo” (The Blood Shed). The Copyright of this book was passed from him to the Assyrian Democratic Organization (ADO) that published his book and promoted it among our Assyrian people.

Recently Bishop Cicek of Holland (after he had lost a considerable amount of money in the Syriac financial scandal, and ended up mortgaging the monastery of Mor Afrem in Holland for money making), he decided to capitalize on the popularity of the book “Dmo ZliHo”, he took the liberty in pirating the book, then he republished it and offered it for sale for personal profit, not giving a damn about the copyright owned by the ADO.

++++Is it such a surprise to you that the church works for its personal profit...I mean REALLY?

It is hard for someone like Bishop Cicek with no intellect to understand or appreciate someone else’s intellectual property, that is why he violated the copyright laws, thinking that he still lives in Turkey and can get away with that. However, Holland and the European Union are not Turkey, and the Dutch law will settle this issue once the ADO takes legal action against the copyright violation.

Ironically Bishop Cicek never once commemorated April 24th at church, nor did he once prayed for the soles

+++Jeez...I wish you "intellects" would learn the proper spelling of this word especially... it sounds like you all had foot fetishes, or like you belonged to the "Church of Dr Soles."

of those who were massacred during Sayfo 1915, yet when it come for making money he jumped at pirating someone else's book seeking to profit from their blood shed.

+++WHAT a crime!

When Fr. Akbulut stood tall in Turkey and testified that our people were massacred in 1915,

+++Wait a minute...he did NOT stand tall...he slinked away on a technicality that only made the Turks look better and him look worse. He never testified to any such thing...he whispered it at home to people who promised NOT to publish it, and THAT'S why he got off...cause they violated his right to privacy. The only reason he got off was that he testified he NEVER intended anyone else to hear his opinion...and he even said he didn't know the facts of the matter...that his bishop told him about the massacres...DUH!

and was arrested and jailed for saying that. Bishop Cicek denied that genocide, and didn't even support Fr. Akbulut. This is the kind of man Bishop Cicek is.

Aydin Demir

+++You are the kind of man to fudge the facts because it serves your purpose...the bishop profits in one way by being deceitful...you in another way. I think the two of you deserve each other.

It's rough world for turkeys.

-- panch
-- signature .

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