Trouble in High School

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Posted by panch from ( on Saturday, October 12, 2002 at 12:02PM :

Yesterday some minor difficulty at a high school in San Francisco ended in a police cops were called in and started bashing everybody...pulling hair, arresting etc.

The government is pointing the way to lawlessness...making "law" whatever it needs to do to benefit itself...citizens and the police will follow suit.

You're going to see more breakdowns in civil behavior...more aggressive cops who don't quite know who the enemy is...and will deifne it too as anyone who poses a threat to them or their institution or brotherhood, club or group...just as Bush is doing.

We the people will pay for this for a long long time...we'll just get used to it "normal"...and look for even more closing our minds and hearts some more...whatever it takes to get through life...and as that quality of life decreases, as it has...and in spite of all the more goodies you can almost afford...we'll take to blaming the neighbors, our own children and any "other" we can identify as being responsible for our own depression...deep deep depression. Pass the happy pills and go long you suppose that will satisfy when it doesn't do the job now?

You really think cheaper gas for you and more obscene profits for a few are going to make you a happier, better family?

-- panch
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