The Good Life in America

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Posted by panchmaster from ( on Friday, October 18, 2002 at 12:40PM :

The poor continue to get poorer, the rich get richer...mostly by stealing from the poor...there aren't that many honest ways to make THAT much money left. The CEO gets 500 million after tanking his company...the worker get nothing...the Stock King lies in order to steal the money of the poor investor...but we have to go to war because Iraq, not Korea, is the greater threat to us. The rich own the "news" so they can tell you it has to be this way...that life in America is MUCH better than anywhere else...that Civil Liberties just screw things up...make you less secure and, by the way...can we have some more of your money, AND your kid ( not OUR money or OUR kid)...we have a war to protect YOU and your kid and your money....the money you buy that GOOD LIFE with.

Meanwhile 11,000 people are killed by guns in America each year...more people are in prison than ever before...more than in any other country...and we get serial killers somewhere every year. Thank god they can find slave labor somewhere else to make things cheap enough so you can buy a present at Christmass and they STILL make more money and you STILL can't afford the stuff cause you were thrown out of work so they could make things elsewhere for you to buy. Still, life is GOOD...because they own the means to keep telling you that...and when did you ever think for yourself? .

I was kicked out of high school for three days...for "thinking"...refused to do my Dumbwork.

People still tell me to be careful in Mexico...that life is dangerous anywhere but in America...the murder capital of the world...a place where a woman eats her husband for sex.

In Mexico 95% of the men in prison for murder are there for killing their wive's lovers( I have no idea where to put the ' ). Now THAT'S a civilized society. My children have nothing to fear there...nothing too serious. In America we are rapidly losing what marbles we had left.

Just like with us Assyrians...idiots and fools make the best patriots.

Hasta la vista baby...

-- panchmaster
-- signature .

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