Posted by panchmaster from ( on Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 0:59AM :
Can you imagine the balls it takes to come weeping to us about handgrenades lobbed by Kurds that took out a generator and cost ONE village its power!!!
And say not a goddamn thing about the entire electirc power system in the country being blown up...not by grenades but by bombs...tons and tons of bombs...of Christian bombs?
But...this was a CHRISTIAN village attacked by Muslims...THAT'S what makes it significant. These turkeys will now call me a hard hearted hateful traitor because I want to focus attention on ALL the damage being done to ALL the people of Iraq.
How more obvious can they be. This is a Christian minority that woke up one day and decided to co-opt the name of the people whose God they ditched for a jew carpenter...and have been calling themselves Assyrian from that day on...and use as their main criteria for being TRUE Assyrians TALKING about it and TALKING about it AND talking about it a lot! Meanwhile in 100 years they haven't managed a single thing as Assyrians in this land where they are FREE from any nasty interference or grenades from Muslims or ANYBODY else...using all their energy and resources for building even MORE CHRISTIAN churches.
Assyrian? How in Ashur's name? What kind of an Assyrian uses a grenade attack on a generator in one village as proof that Assyrians are being ATTACKED by Muslims...while cheering on the bombardment and murder by starvation and disease of hundreds of thousands of Assyrians...of EITHER friggin religion?
Christians...Christians who seek to add some polish to their TALKING about being Assyrian.
I'd ban me too.
-- panchmaster
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