Posted by pancho from ( on Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 6:34PM :
In Reply to: Detroit News Article about Telkeppe posted by Jeff from LTU-207-73-68-97.LTU.EDU ( on Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 3:02PM :
The Irish are divided by religion...they murder each otherīs children even though BOTH groups are of one parent religion, Christianity, and ethnic origin. In Yugoslavia the Christians and Muslims look exactly alike...they ARE alike! This religion business is murder by any other name...sanctioned everywhere by gods of "Peace".
It strikes me that peace wont come to the people of Iraq until every last Christian is driven out. Itīs a horrible thing to contemplate...but it might just be true. Not that Muslims wont turn on each other...but that one excuse will be gone...they will not have trouble from that quarter...not that the majority of Christians caused trouble...but that they were ever ready to hear the siren song of the Christian West. Christians are as doomed in Iraq as Muslims would be in America if Iraq had won the Gulf war and imposed Sanctions against the United States...we would expect no less.
But the real key is the constant interference by the West...its craving for cheap oil...that will cause Muslim to fight the two factions did in the Iran Iraq war. Christians used to be tolerated, left to govern themselves until the mayhem started with the First World War...when all the Christian powers lined up off the Ottoman coast eager for any chance to cut up the crumbling empire. That started it...and itīs whatīs been driving it since then. It was ports and harbors and land routes then...itīs been oil now for a long time. And itīs blood all the time.
-- pancho
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