Posted by andreas from ( on Sunday, November 24, 2002 at 9:23AM :
I am forwarding the following information, which should be of concern to anyone subscribed to a Yahoo Groups mailing list.
It is up to each of you, of course to decide what you want to do about this snooping on the part of Yahoo Groups.
Everybody wishing so, can go to the IRL indicated and opt OUT.
Forwarded text follows:
Although some of you may have already seen the following information, it will probably be new to others of you. It is important, especially now that your privacy is being threatened on so many fronts simultaneously.
This concerns ANYONE who is either on any Yahoo mailing list, or who is a member of Yahoo but is not on any list .
Yahoo! is now using something called "Web beacons" to track Yahoo!
users around the Internet and see what you are doing. Seems these
beacons work like cookies. Go to this URL:
About halfway down the page (on the right side), in the "Outside the
Yahoo! Network" section, there is a "click here" link at the end of the
paragraph that lets you OPT OUT of their electronic snooping. Protect
your privacy. Pass this info along to all your buddies/groups too."
Further clarification from a friend:
>From the Yahoo Privacy web page:
" Note: This opt-out applies to a specific browser rather than a specific
user. Therefore you will have to opt-out separately from each computer or
browser that you use. "
This means that they are tracking users anonymously, but yes, they're still
watching. They just can't quite put the name with the face, so to speak.
(Unless of course, your name appears on public web pages you have visited,
which happens all the time).
-- andreas
-- signature .
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