Will Durant on Assyrians...

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Posted by pancho from pool0007.cvx24-bradley.dialup.earthlink.net ( on Monday, November 25, 2002 at 9:59AM :

A wonderful paragraph about us from his book, "The Story of Philosophy"

After describing how our empire was destroyed and we went out in our Diapers...he says,

"...yet, without any political structure, without any legal compulsion to social unity, without even a common language, this wonderful people has maintained itself in body and soul, has preserved its racial and cultural integrity, has guarded with jealous love its oldest rituals and traditions, has patiently and resolutely awaited the day of its deliverance, and has emerged greater in number than ever before, renowned in every field for the contributions of its geniuses, and triumphantly restored, after two thousand years of wandering, to its ancient and unforgotten home. What drama could rival the grandeur of these sufferings, the variety of these scenes, and the glory and the justice of this fulfillment? What fiction could match the romance of this reality"?

WOW! I'll bet Assrins all over the world who would read that would be found staring admiringly in a mirror thinking, "YES...that's US...thank god someone recognized US"!!!

I did a dirty. He's actually describing the Jews. And the key to the difference is that they didn't turn Christian...well the ones he's talking about didn't. And they suffered every indignity for refusing to be bought out by promises and goodies...

If you break faith with your very soul...and ours was an Assyrian soul, not a Jewish OR Muslim one...you lose touch with what made you uniquely you. Oh we've survived alright, but look at us.

Look back over that paragraph...that's us???

-- pancho
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