Calls In The Night

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Posted by pancho from ( on Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 5:49PM :

In Reply to: Assyrian Sex Site Enemey of Assyrians! posted by pancho from ( on Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 4:00PM :

It's gone. The EMENEMENNEY of our OOMPAHPAHTAH is gone. Would we could rid ourselves of anything else half as fast. ( I know a Prick we could do without) Frantic calls probably went out to the Assrin Nayshun to "protest" this attack of the dreaded" NON -ASSYRIAN CROTCHES"!

Give me Liberty or give me Death...but do it with a REAL ASSRIN GROIN!!!

Some things just can't be taken lying down.

Hanna was probably in the middle of someone when he got the "heroic call"...he disdained all thoughts of personal safety and "Rushed" to his "Beloved" computer ...where he "Spasmodically Hurled" himself at the "Ferrocious" keyboard...took a "Firm and Fearless" hold of his "Rearing" mouse and "Amazingly" fired his "Awesome" Delete Button.

Phew....Assyria has been saved. A Twat Team will be sent out to deal with these emenemenies. I wouldn't want to be in their "Traitor's" shoes now.

As that Great Assyrian Scholar F. Aprim said....

"Give me the real thing every time...and all the time.

-- pancho
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