The Armenians vs "Us"

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Posted by Jeff from ? ( on Friday, December 13, 2002 at 11:57AM :

Let's compare two communities. "Us" and them, the Armenians, living in Turkey side by side. After 1915 there's some civil unrest, or a genocide, depending on your point of view, and both communities are driven out. The Armenians and "our community" are both accepted in Iraq... also in Iran.

In Iraq you don't see Armenians complaining about ill-treatment against their community. Why is that? Why do they not make noise about bad treatment? Does the government treat Armenians any different than Assyrians?

Why is it that in Iran the Armenians have clubs where men and women can be seen together and where you don't have to wear the full Muslim cloak but the Assyrians don't?

Is it that perhaps in the countries that they settled, they integrated into those countries while maintaining their culture... is that why we never see news stories and press releases about how the "poor minority Armenians" in Iraq and Iran are treated badly?

Our communities are so similar.... why can't we follow their good example?

If anybody needs me i'll be taking a bathey/showery.

-- Jeff
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