Albright |
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- Wednesday, January 7 2004, 10:33:25 (EST) from - Mexico - Windows Me - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...walking through the marketplace here at the beach as the gypsies set up I saw a young baby sitting on the tabletop while his mother put out her wares to sell. The baby was crying softly...pausing to take in a breath every so often. I thought of the wards in Baghdad...the crying children in pain...the awful feeling of parents who must watch and be reminded of their uselessness with every wail that comes from the darling child they can in no way help...and of the Christians who say things like...5000 dead Iraqi children a month is a price Christians are willing to pay...and that was back when they were lying about WMDs and the rest of it...and this is today, when we don[t even care that they were lying...and children were dying...crying out to no one who would comfort a baby...but who has learned Perfect Love instead...and how to get Petroleum or Eternal Life at such a price. Andy...find your honor...Jesus found his. --------------------- |
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