The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Buenos Dias

Buenos Dias
Posted by Farid (Guest) - Sunday, November 2 2003, 12:45:32 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

...back in Mexico. Don't ever want to spend that much time in America again. You've got to get outside of it to see how nuts it is. People are begging to be lied to...they seem manaically bent on being "nice" to perfect strangers on the it makes up for shooting the people they know...not to mention killing millions around the world.

The United States is bad for your health. Don't know how else to put it. There will come a reckoning...from need to attack the country from without or use any violence against it. Israeli and American and Nazi society before are a disaster waiting to happen. Trouble is the kinds of brains it takes to KNOW THAT are exactly the thing that's missing. It's as if the nerves that tell you your ass is on fire have been numbed and deadended so you can't tell. This is all the "sense" the American institutions give to Americans...drugs and more drugs, in one form or another..."drugs" as in things to mask over what goes on underneath.

You don't give heavy doses of morphine to someone suffering a life-threatening condition that's acute because they won't be able to tell you where it hurts. "Hurting" is what saves a person...

If you take the batteries out of the smoke detector in your don't understand what Fire is...don't know what Health is...don't know what smoke detectors are for. All you know is that loud noise bothers you and you can "feel good" if it stops and the easiest, fastest way to stop it is by taking the batteries out of it. Just what do you think you've achieved?

Ask Bush.


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