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=> Character Suicide of Dr Dadeeshoo

Character Suicide of Dr Dadeeshoo
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, January 24 2004, 14:40:27 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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In the first place he ain`t no doctor of nuthin. I think he almost got a master`s degree in volleyball or Education...whichever one is easier to get, probably Education. The Modesto Bee...a very good newspaper for that region, did an article some years back on the local Assyrian/Whatever community and one thing they uncovered was this lie about Dadeeshoos doctorate. They dropped it of course because who cares anyway...but Dadeesho fired off a letter anyway threatening to sue them. Well, if he really had a PHD he would have sent them proof and they would have apologized and followed up and that would have kept him in the limelight one more day and besides which who needs enemies in the real media. The fact that he threatened to sue them just proved to them and everyone else that they were right but weren`t about to waste time and other resources on this putz. They never took it back either. The man`s a fraud in every way imagineable...tell him so he`ll sue me...I`ve got room in my calendar.

Which reminds me of that ridiculous claim of his, backed up by the ridiculous State Department that Saddam sent agents to Ceres...CERES!!! assassinate Dadeeshoo...and the jackass actually went on to win a settlement from the money the US is stealing from Iraq daily.

We all now there was nothing but spun bullshit coming out of the Pentagon and State Department...and this story was part of it. Why the hell would Saddam want Dadeesho dead? Is that supposed to make the Cereals...that`s what you call the people of Ceres...believe Dadeesho is a big baddass...that Saddam lives in fear of Dadeesho...there in his orchard hideaway mid the prunes and apricots? Would Saddam give the Americans such an easy charge to use against him...for a Dadeeshoo???

Besides which Dadeesho visited Iraq several times while Saddam was in power...why didn`t they just dump him in a garbage disposal in Baghdad and be done with the fool. This plot was hatched in the fevered brain of some government underling and Dadeesho offered himself up...why not,,,it paid better than anything he`s ever been able to rip off from anyone. It was part of that whole smear campaign against Saddam and the attempt to get Americans so terrified of what he might do to them that they`d make no protest when we killed Iraqi children.

Dadeeshoo is a slimey, spineless putz.


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