The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Gee...I wonder

Gee...I wonder
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, April 6 2004, 23:20:09 (EDT)
from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title: don`t suppose the boys are a trifle nervous on account of the Americans might pick up suspicious people to question and torture too? People like them? Maybe even from their own families or friends? I mean they can`t tell one dark American from another in suppose they`re going to believe people who look exactly of whom is yelling, I`M CHRISTIAN...don`t put that thing up my arse again!!!"

They might be surprised to find that just as starvation, disease and missles couldn`t tell or care much who was Christian Assyrian and who was Muslim Assyrian...American soldiers hopped up and scared and pissed cause their buddies got shot by an Eye-raqi...aren`t going to make those fine and subtle distinctions the boys do..." Ah down`t give a rayt`s ass what kind of Aramoonin you is and if`n you DO got Mandibles..git the fuck over there and take your pants off!!!"

But of course they knew it all along..they just don`t want to be seen as cheering right now. Each one of these fascist bums..these volanoes and kaisers and bismarcks and boohoos are the type to turn against a fmaily member with a vengeance, ESPECIALLY a family member...who betrays Christ...and if that kind of person gets tortured to death over there...well, ask Aprim..."unfortunate" things happen...but they are WORTH IT!


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