The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Good point.

Good point.
Posted by Andy Younan (Guest) - Thursday, December 18 2003, 21:58:40 (EST)
from - Network - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:


> "If a city doesn't pay attention, shake its dust from your feet" takes a god to come to earth to tell you not to go where you aren't wanted?

Good point.

You called me here because you wanted, in your words, to "save my soul." In this you have failed - sorry to disappoint you. You tell me that my religion is founded on murder - I tell you it is founded on love and self-sacrifice. You tell me that Christians have done nothing but kill since the beginning - I tell you that there are many more Christians than the ones in your history books. You tell me that I'm dishonorable for teaching the faith to children - I wonder what is wrong with telling them the truth: that God loves them dearly and that they should love him back and love everyone around them as God loves them. Over and over again you try to attack the Christian faith, but over and over again you miss the mark. OF COURSE what you're describing is a horrible thing - but it's not at all what I believe - not even close. You tell me that Torquemada was a bad person - I agree entirely. But Francis of Assisi was a good person - as were countless others whom you refuse to acknowledge as good because they were either ALL "like that already" or because they were "rewarded." I tell you that the truest Christians - the saints - were saints PRECISELY because of their Faith - because by that faith they came into contact with God and thereafter acted only out of their love for him and for the world. That relationship with God is what is offered in Christianity - no fancy new morality except a clearer expression of what was known before, no new concept of humanity except for an infinite exaltation of what human beings are - friends of God, no new lifestyle on earth except that now earth effects heaven - every insult given another human being is a new stripe on Christ's back; every glass of water given a poor man is one given to God. That realization is what the faith offers. You have rejected it, and that's fine by me. Is there anything else to say?

Your tv pal,



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