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=> Hanna Must be Gone

Hanna Must be Gone
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, January 24 2004, 14:58:53 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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...I actually posted at beth and the thing is still there...not only that I got a civil and thoughtful reply. What next?`s the reply and the reply to the case Hanna wakes up soon.....

>The insurgents are not Christian unless you see a conspiracy theory coming on. I think not! Also dying in a random killing does not make you a martyr or killing innocenct people while killing youself does not make you a martyr neither.

...whoa...a rational response? Where have you been all our lives? My point was that whenever a Christian one of us gets killed by a Muslim...he or she is automatically a martyr...though that`s nowhere near the definition of the word...even the guy who got lost and froze to death was declared a martyr. I suppose if you die while having sex you`ll be decalred a martyr as well. And once...before the lights went out in Assyria...I asked how come we don`t include the names of those of us killed by Christians in our martyr parties. That got me nowehere fast as we don`t like thinking about things we will NEVER FORGET.

Well...I agree that dying in a random shooting doesn`t qualify you for martyrhood...or dom. But you raise an interesting point in your other example. If I choose to strap a bomb on my body and detonate it where I`ll be killed as well...doesn`t that satisfy all four criteria for martyrdom?

I mean think about...if you dare. To be a martyr you first of all have to choose to engage in acts or hold beliefs that will lead to your death...and you must KNOW this consciously. The person thinking to detotante a bomb strapped to his or her body can have no illusions about what`s going to happen to him or her.

The next thing is that this is done to make a point...deliberately...and to make a point the person feels can be made in no other way. I would say the Palestinian people are about as exasperrated as any people on earth have ever been...up against the combined might of the United States and Britain for several decades now with little to fight with and a whole lot of abuse to endure. Remember Israel was created by the same people who just finished killing six million Jews in Europe...while in Palestine for centuries Jews and Muslims AND Christians lived side by side about as peacefully as any people ever did. It was a European problem they decided to export to the MidEast and turn that country to a killing field. The Jews had a right to demand Berlin and Vienna NOT Palestine.

So...the person with the bomb knows his actions will lead to his own death...but chooses to do it anyway. I suppose the soldier who froze to death in Syria knew there was some danger in being in the army...The person with the body-bomb feels he or she must make this statement...people get killed in wars and increasingly, innocent civilians get killed as we`ve seen America kill the only real difference between the American pilot who drops bombs on an Afghan wedding party and the Palestinian body-bomber who walks into an Israeli wedding party is that the Palestinian is choosing to give up his life for his cause...while the pilot just flies overhead and away...both of them leaving dead civillians in their wake.


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