The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Has anyone

Has anyone
Posted by Sadie (Guest) - Thursday, October 23 2003, 22:39:34 (EDT)
from - D006147.N1.Vanderbilt.Edu USA Educational - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

... volunteered to help out Majdolin's sister by actually recruiting people to stay with Majdolin and her husband while her sister is working? You know, a local community organization could do something like set up a list of (trusted) people to volunteer at certain times to keep Majdolin and her husband company, preferrably people who can speak the same language (Assyrian or Arabic). Free help would be a good thing, since her sister is working hard for so little money.

Also, what's the condition of her optic nerve like? I don't know much about this, but a close friend of mine has a six-year-old nephew who lost his eye in a car accident. According to my friend, who has learned a lot from that experience, the child's optic nerve is in good enough condition so that a fake eye can someday be inserted where his lost eye used to be. So, perhaps the same could be done for Majdolin? The article says her sockets are empty, so I'm assuming that her eyes were completely unable to be salvaged. She wouldn't be able to see perfectly with fake eyes, but it would be better than nothing, if it can be done.

Anyway, has anyone made a website yet to support financial contributions for her & her family? It sounds like that would be the best thing to give, besides human companionship & care.


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