The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Liberation

Posted by el iraqui (Guest) - Thursday, January 15 2004, 15:02:49 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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It's fairly easy for a slave to figure out something's not quite right in the's a given that sooner or later slaves will rebel. Blacks eventually realized enough was enough and took appropriate measures. It was a little harder for women as a whole to sense the pedestal was really a gallows...after all, they too were told they had an "enviable" lifestyle staying at home etc. Labor also had enough and rose up to demand the things we all take for granted today but which cost a lot of blood and misery to secure for the rest of us.

I wonder when the basic American citizen, man or or white...will wake up to the fact that he and she are enslaved. It's the hardest of all to see clearly because so much time and effort goes into convincing us all we really have it made. But we don't. Our children are shooting each other and us at increasing rates which we tend to overlook because all of us are either drugged out more than ever before or drunk and partying over at Disneyland.

McMurphy, in "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest", reacted in disbelief when he learned the inmates at the psychiatric ward were all voluntary commits...that is they turned themselves in and were free to leave at any time. But they couldn't...couldn't cope in a world without a Nurse Ratched...or wretched.

Freedom isn't an easy thing...especially when you're raised dependent on your taskmasters....starting with parents.


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