Ohwell |
Posted by
el iraqui
- Wednesday, January 14 2004, 17:47:11 (EST) from - inet-gto-aztecas-1-fddi5-0-0.uninet.net.mx Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
A funny sort of nationalism and activism and heroism this "we want our country back" bullshit. There's no way in hell it will happen but that doesn't matter...it COULDN'T matter, it doesn't NEED to matter...not to people who define these very terms by how much they TALK about them. They have no intention of doing anything about anything. What galls them is that the world goes round without them..that they don't matter anywhere in the least, so they've decided the best and the only thing they can do is try their hardest(as hard as they try anything) to ruin things for everyone else...that being Muslims, Iraqis, Q---s and anyone else who's actually doing something about something. They, meaning Peter and the boys, don't want peace in Iraq...even if war means the murder of Majdolin's children...which they just blame on the "other" guy...like Saddam's very presence in the world meant that Iraqi children HAD to be murdered...and it is murder. If you spray bullets into a restaurant or onto a playing field or into an apartment house...it's about as close to premeditated murder as you need to get. It matters little to the gods, whomever they be, whether you were wearing your nation's murderous uniform...the ones that wash easily...or your best jeans. There are "Suicide Missions" and "Murder Missions"...and both mean the killing of innocent people...armies no longer meet on a battlefield...we just kill the families of the soldiers...the same thing the Palestinians learned from the Israeils who learned it from the Nazis who learned it from the United States Cavalry during the Indian Wars. "Kill the Kids" IS modern warfare. We've been murdering children in Iraq for 15 years and paying for the murder of Iraqi and Iranian children for several years before that. And before THAT we killed a whole lot of Vietnamese children and in between a whole bunch of Latin teens. And the only reason for all this murder is our bilionaires want to be multi-billionaires and the only way to get us all to participate is to convince us that enemy children mean to do us great harm one day...and they now WILL! We can't kill that fast...fast enough to ensure we don't leave some alive who may want to return the favor some day...like any Mafia Don in Sicily we can't afford to let one kid survive on the opposing side...not one child of a man or woman we murder. Do you really think Peace waits at the end of this road? The Communist scare bullshit took 50 years out of our lives...made a mockery of our laws and Constitution and cost us all zillions and zillions of dollars while making a few people filthy rich and serving as a greasy road into office for a passle of unemployables. Having tasted the benefits of Fear and learned how to profit by it...and after years of propping up the Soviet system as we now support North Korea, lest those poor blighters starve to death and aren't around when Bush needs them...we now segue into the Fear of Terrosism...which is as manufactured a thing as Communism ever was. Oh say can you see where the Red, Orange and Yellow so proudly waves. Ohwell, Orwell. --------------------- |
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