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=> Post from khizmie Assyrian Volcano

Post from khizmie Assyrian Volcano
Posted by Tiglath (Guest) - Thursday, February 5 2004, 6:07:53 (EST)
from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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The Assyrian nationalism as I see it should be SECULAR movement and not SECTARIAN and that was the reason when I wrote the first Assyrian ideology ever written by an Assyrian which is SECULAR and PROGRESSIVE , the rest with due my respect are based on BACKWARD THEORY and old which goes back over a hundred yearsa and generally speaking is based on the CHRITIANITY.

That is the reason, I personally against the compound name for the reasons WHICH ARE MENTIONED ABOVE.

Ashur Beth-Shlimon

Dear Ashur,

Is it possible to have a "SECULAR movement" as you quoted above based on Christianity?

Isn't basing a movement on Christianity, which is a religon, being non-secular?

Could Saddam Hussein who insisted on all Iraqis being the descendants of the ancient Babylonians and Assyrians, (see national anthem) be MORE secular than us???

Just something to think about.
sec·u·lar ( P ) Pronunciation Key (sky-lr)
Not specifically relating to religion or to a religious body


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