Re: Good point. |
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- Friday, December 19 2003, 5:30:45 (EST) from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Dear Andy, Sorry to butt in guys. I think the most important point that you two have raised so far is the Christian belief that YOUR God is the ONE and ONLY diety for all mankind. I think that if a religion is based on this premise then it may lead a minority of its adherents to become religous extremists. Seriously all Christians should ask themselves a serious question. Is their God the ONE and only. Our ancestors were always shown in bas reliefs extending their respect to all our ancient Gods such as Shamash, symbolised by the winged cross, and Sin, symbolised by the cresecent moon. Is the segue from worshipping and respecting many Gods to single Gods the reason why our Assyrian people fragmented into numerous religions and Islamic and Christian sects within those same religions? Sincerely, Tiglath --------------------- |
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