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=> Re: Has Anyone Seen This?

Re: Has Anyone Seen This?
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Sunday, December 28 2003, 12:01:30 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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StarDrifter wrote:
>My point was precisely this: I would have thought that the so called, "Liberal Media," would have jumped all over this and beat the Bush administration to a bloody pulp. Please enlighten me, if you can, why this little blurb never even made the last page. I merely thought it curious. Pardon me for expressing the thought!

***Quit being so goes against the grain...especially when the world is turning uglier by the minute. Not that we have to match it in ugliness but let`s at least be outspoken about our ideas and damn them all.

***You have to understand how afraid the White Man is. These guys have Think Tanks and >Conference Groups and they gather at Retreats every so often with other rich Lilly Whites who also see the uses of Christianity...White Man Christianity...and they`ve been planning and plotting strategy for a long time.

You know people always ask who "They" are. When you say things like..."They are doing this...and They did that...or They want it this way or that....people say..."Oh yeah...and just who are these Theys that you keep talking about"? And when you can`t give them names and addresses they feel they`ve got you...that there are no Theys..that all that happens "Just Happens"...either by accident or because god wants it that way and we all know he`s a mysterious fellow.

Well, we passed a Freedom of Information Act and a few other laws just so we could get the names of the Theys. We know only by chance and lucky accident that Martha Stewrat and the Enron boys and Richard Nixon and Johnson and a host of others were the THEYS behind so many things we would always have wondered about. And that`s why THEY are attacking that Law as well...making it hard once again to follow the trail to where it leads to THEM...manipulating and planting like crazy to make us all think things "Just Happen".

Let the Feds open some of their files and give me access to them and I`ll tell you who the fucking THEYS are! of THEIR fabrications is the idea that we have a Liberal Press. Hitler himself said, repeat a lie often enough and people will believe it. We hardly have an impartial press any longer...and that`s how we got the press we have...because that`s the way THEY wanted it...and THEY are the ones who bought the media...who first changed the Laws so THEY could buy up all outlets in one given market...and on and on. This thing didn`t happen took years to produce the Terrorists that Bush and company needed so they could wage their real war...against their real enemy...and not those poor Muslim bastards they`ve been harrassing for years.

The United States Constitution is their target. That`s the document women and Blacks and Asians and Latins and queers and transvestites and men who give blow jobs to other men instead of to Laura Bush get protection under the Law. It`s the document that allows a Mexican dishwasher to sue his boss for gross abuse and allows us to sue General Motors for the same and all the Hospital Corporations and all the other bidnesses owned by THEM.

The Constitution has built within the means for peacefull change and growth and more than anything, it protects the minority from a tyranny of the majority and also protects the majority from a tyrannical clique. If you stop and think about it you`ll see why this document is so hated by them...these guys, Bush and Cheney and oh so many more, HATE what America stands for and was built upon. THEY think it was supposed to be a White Man`s paradise...yes a MAN`S paradise...that that`s how it started it out until it was "perverted" by Preverts of other colors and sex and predelictions.

But look at the genius of the people who made it...they put in it what could also be used to destroy it...or...could be used to expand it in ways that the narrowest among us would come to believe destroyed it already. Like the best of`s all up to us. The Constitution doesn`t tie our hands in any way...neither does it insist on anything. We can make of America a Fascist state and never ruffle a feather in it...or we can expand its liberties so they truly cover us all and protect us all and benefit us all.

This is what Bush is gunning for and out in the open...and once again these people enlist the Saddams and Mullahs and Noriegas and Bin Laudens of the world...hell they`ll fund them and support them and coo in their ears and carry them along till they need them...need tham for what they REALLY need them frighten us out of our five wits so we`ll sign onto anything...but specifically to agree to "improve" the Constitution.

and so it went...


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