Re: It's like rain..... |
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- Tuesday, January 6 2004, 11:53:24 (EST) from - Mexico - Windows Me - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Tiglath wrote: >Isn't it ironic how the Americans were responsible for looting our ancient art in Iraq whereas we were responsible for the "looting" of our modern art in America? ...if that doesnŽt sum it up perfectly. ...By the way...Jeff and I are on our way to the beach here to visit the site of the "Great Jackie Bejan Land Swindle" and take a swim. WeŽll be dining later at PedroŽs Fish the sand. IŽll be having a cold beer and a huge coctel de camarons for all you blighters. Any special requests should be mailed in early..."go drown yourself" does not count. --------------------- |
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