The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: "Liberating" the Iraqi women

Re: "Liberating" the Iraqi women
Posted by Tiglath (Guest) - Friday, May 14 2004, 16:17:12 (CEST)
from - Australia - Mac OS - Internet Explorer
Website title: American Perverts Pack Rape Defenceless Iraqi Women

Dear M.A.W,

This picture along with accompanying links were shown to me at Parliament House by Maria Vamvakinou the MP for Calwell. Anyway when I aksed what was being done by the Australian government about the recently released pictures she told me they were nothing compared to what she had received ans was currently investigating.
So she opened an e-mail that had been sent to her by the Sydney Morning Herald and out pops this page,
She said that she had also sent the link to Kevin Rudd the shadow Minister of foreign affairs and he had launched an investigation into these photos but considerd them genuine.

If I shocked you then good. We all need to realise what our governments did in our names. We are responsible for what's happening in Iraq to all Iraqis.

And these are genuine photos showing how our tax dollars are being spent in Iraq.


The full topic:

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