The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: My Ego And Me

Re: My Ego And Me
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Tuesday, November 25 2003, 16:48:27 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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He took a stand against nothing. The coalition of countries going along were all Christian. What could be more true to form than Christians killing children? If youīll recall the religion gets its start in murder, celebrates murder and encourages people to go out and either murder for god, or get murdered for him. Itīs a Brave New World out there...some day youīre all going to realize that these are not "aberrations" in Christianity but Christianity itself...the naked truth of it.

You think Constantine was moved by Jesus and thatīs why he made the murderous Roman Empire into the murderous Christian Roman Empire and then in to the murderous Christian Empire? He went on to murder his own son and two wives...or was it two sons and one wife. A Christian? HELL YES and exactly...because he could be forgiven right GOD no less!

These arenīt the days of Cohorts and Hosts and slings and arrows and battering rams...these are the days of anthrax and nuclear bombs like nothing you can imagine and gun ships and carpet bombing...and itīs awfully tempting to settle the age old conflict between these three sisters from hell...and itīs no accident that Christianity has all the bombs and guns and poison and has been the most willing to use them up till now.

We have just the nut jobs who want to do it too. That General Boykin was no "aberration"...he just spoke out too Trent Lott did and Pat Robertson too. These religions will kill us...they HAVE been killin us...and all people can think of is Christmas and Easter bunnies and childrenīs choirs...why the hell do you think governments support religion?


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