Re: Poupon.... |
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- Saturday, January 24 2004, 1:45:49 (EST) from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Have you heard that joke about the Assyrian priest who was travelling from his village to another village to give them a Sunday sermon. Well halfway there he had to stop and do a number 2. Anyway after he finished doing a number 2 he realises that he has no water and no paper with which to wipe his arse with. So he uses his right hand to wipe his arse with and continues on his way. Anyway when he gets to church and has finished the sermon he reliases that his hand still smells. So he announces to the parishoners that for today's sermon he'll throw the bread into their mouths. They find the practice unusual but do what he says. Then they bring forward a blind Assyrian and tell the priest that he'll have to place the bread directly into his mouth. Seeing that he has no choice the priest says, "Eat from the body of Christ, my son," and places the bread in the blind man's mouth. The blind man responds if that was the body of Christ I think I got a piece from his arse. --------------------- |
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