The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: Skull & Bones

Re: Skull & Bones
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Thursday, January 22 2004, 14:05:32 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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I agree with you and would add that it is most definitely a plot. The White Man has looked around him..projected into the future the growing trends that democracy and a marginal sort of free legal system, coupled with that blessed US Constitution, we´ve made toilet paper out of, have resulted in...and he´s scared...and he has every reason to the French aristocracy should have been had they bothered to look around them in 1788.

It gratifies people´s need for complacency to think the world just goes on its merry way with no one running things...that no one sits up nights in Think Tanks and plans how to plant articles in newspapers and magazines.,...and now we know they´re doing it all the we saw in the "news" media just recently. This isn´t a´s the new reality. Our bosses have to become OUR BOSSES or their position becomes increasingly insecure. You can´t run a capitalistic system like we´ve evolved into much longer along these lines... Of course they´ll lose in the end...these efforts always fail...they just cost us all dearly before we wake up and take it seriously.


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