The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Re: We Finally Got Our Frankenstein...

Re: We Finally Got Our Frankenstein...
Posted by Farid (Moderator) - Monday, December 22 2003, 12:01:13 (EST)
from *** - *** Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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it{s utter nonsense that Saddam was moving in on Saudi Arabia...or that they were in any way threatened. Saddam and every Iraqi have always claimed Kuwait as being origially a part of it...and being a mere contrivance of the Brits to play these games they play so well.

He even had the tacit approval of the United States to do so. He just walked into a trap is all. He trusted untrustworthy people...who found in him just what they were looking for. It was part of the bullshit to tell us he was after Saudi Arabia NEXT! Like Castro wanted Florida NEXT and the Vietnamese people wanted San Francisco NEXT!

Good going Michael...Ashur would be proud of you.


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