Saddam’s capture: was a deal brokered.. |
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- Wednesday, January 7 2004, 8:11:49 (EST) from - Mexico - Windows Me - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
anon wrote: >One thing's for sure: the Kurds are IDIOTS if they think they can get a homeland right now. Same with the Assyrians who think so. > >I've come to the conclusion that it's not worth it anymore, really. Idiots won't change their minds. & you know, the richer they are here, the more likely they are to be idiots. You don't need BRAINS to make a fortune in this country, you just need to sell your soul to satan. How many Mid Eastern businessmen, Muslim & Christian, Farsi & Arabic speaking, have I met in the States only to walk away DISGUSTED at their stupidity? The millionaires are the worst, & I know a lot of them. All they care about are their own asses, & they vote Republican. They don't care about intellect nor do they have social consciences - they care about how they *look*: what cars they drive, where they live, what they're wearing. In fact, they don't even care about CULTURE, their own or others' cultures - they just care about what's trendy. UGH! There are FEW like Edward Said, & he wasn't a businessman. > >These people don't understand a THING about things, & I'm absolutely sick of listening to them babble about things they don't understand! ...I know what you mean, I get the same feeling talking to you. You´ll be relieved to know that in A.D. 45 young people felt the same way about millionaires who don´t understand things...also in 345 B.C. and 786 B.C. as well as 10,000 B.C. ...Some of us get disgusted and walk away...some of us get disgusted and roll up our sleeves. Some of aren´t afraid to stand up for what we believe...even if our last name is xxxxxxxx. --------------------- |
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