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=> Saddam’s capture: was a deal brokered..

Saddam’s capture: was a deal brokered..
Posted by Pancho (Guest) - Monday, January 5 2004, 12:46:50 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows Me - Internet Explorer
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...there`s only one hope for whoever we think we far as the MidEast is well as for the entire Muslim way or the other we have to come under one banner and those who domoinate would be far wiser, for once, to grant equal rights to all and to remove religion and god from politics and everywhere else except in people`s cracked heads and church, temple or mosque.

The West has made itself into a sleak streamlined thing and it can blast through anyone. Europe saw the handwriting and is closing ranks into some sort of federated union...but they`d better watch the discrimination shit against Arab "terrorists". If America plays games, it plays them to win...even only for the short haul. But in the >MidEast the most primitive sorts of nationalismdoodles still it`s good to hear the Kurds at least came together.

Our own status is completely out of our hands...that`s just a fact of life. ZOWWA and the rest of these whores are merely trying to elevate themselves and get some pay from somewhere from addlepated expats who like to hear about Ashur Getting It Up Again and debates over National Questions and conferences and what not.

We don`t come to America and Europe insisting on separate federsated rights and other people`s homes belong to us and give us this and give us that...and we sure as hell don`t complain about having to learn English or hesitate to call our children Frank and Charly and Jennifer...and we LOVE being thought of as beloning to the English speaking nations of the world...oh yes and Christianity too.

It`s only in the the lands where we began that we act like apes and assholes and deamdn this and want reparations for that and threaten to kill this one and that one and NEVER FORGET. Naturally we make ourselves odious and the majority want no part of us...and will certainly never give such fractuous nincompoos a damn thing. There is no unity among us no matter where we go and we can`t benefit ourselves even when a city like Chicago rolls out the red carpet for our monumental art. The Arab speaking people of the world have to grow up and unite...and the smart ones among us who are interested in the well being and prosperity and security of ALL those lands that once were home to us...will do nothing to ruin or risk the unity of the Muslim world...the rest of us will go to Chicago and ask National Questions and make Demands and issue Diclarations out at every orifice.

The West LOVES our idiotic behavior...we make their job so much easier. It`s that...or nothing. And if CHRISTIANS succeed in making themselves so damn unwelcome that they all get kicked out or eaten...they have no one to blame but themselves.


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