Saddam’s capture: was a deal brokered.. |
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- Tuesday, January 6 2004, 19:27:34 (EST) from - - Windows NT - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
One thing's for sure: the Kurds are IDIOTS if they think they can get a homeland right now. Same with the Assyrians who think so. I've come to the conclusion that it's not worth it anymore, really. Idiots won't change their minds. & you know, the richer they are here, the more likely they are to be idiots. You don't need BRAINS to make a fortune in this country, you just need to sell your soul to satan. How many Mid Eastern businessmen, Muslim & Christian, Farsi & Arabic speaking, have I met in the States only to walk away DISGUSTED at their stupidity? The millionaires are the worst, & I know a lot of them. All they care about are their own asses, & they vote Republican. They don't care about intellect nor do they have social consciences - they care about how they *look*: what cars they drive, where they live, what they're wearing. In fact, they don't even care about CULTURE, their own or others' cultures - they just care about what's trendy. UGH! There are FEW like Edward Said, & he wasn't a businessman. These people don't understand a THING about things, & I'm absolutely sick of listening to them babble about things they don't understand! --------------------- |
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