The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> Tax Museum Tries to Cheer Up Israelis

Tax Museum Tries to Cheer Up Israelis
Posted by panch (Guest) - Saturday, January 17 2004, 12:35:40 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
Website title:

>Visitors are increasingly scarce. Tourists and school children, a former mainstay, rarely come these days, scared off by more than three years of Mideast fighting during which downtown Jerusalem has been a frequent target for Palestinian suicide bombers. "Now there are days when no one comes in at all," Dror says.

...interesting to think of the dead Israelis and Palestinians too as a sort of Tax paid for the right to brutalize people at will...and all because that madman of the Old and New Testicles STILL demands blood. Who EVER validated the bible as the word of anyone? And THAT's the basis for this ridiculous claim that Israel BELONGS to Jews forever??? It's Yahwe all over again...the bloody motherfucker.

...and we laugh at Ashur.


The full topic:

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