The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> The volcano that became a hill

The volcano that became a hill
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Saturday, April 3 2004, 11:30:37 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
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I like this...just before disappearing in a cloud of volcanic ass...the borkana posted this in response to Kaiser`s incomprehensible barbarism....

Re: History and Future *EMPTY MESSAGE there humor and satire after life as an erruption? Could this be a sly dig at Kaiser...meaning that his entire post, like so many of them, is just EMPTY MESSAGE...a sort of plea from a vaccum to an empty cup?

Is that giving the Burp too much credit? Let`s hope not. Once shed of this Christian OR Muslim nonsense...we can maybe interest BOTH of them in their heritage..though I have to admit Muslim Assyrians have done a lot more to preserve the heritage and protect it than Christians have...except of course for the one NON Christian and non Muslim, who is Assyrian and built an ASSYRIAN presence instead..for which every Christian from hell and back has never forgiven him. Well...that`s an overstatement...there are many who can put their religion in perspective and focus on the Heritage itself...I`m one of them...what`s it to me what religion you think I am?


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