Unionity |
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- Saturday, January 10 2004, 12:26:05 (EST) from - customer-148-233-93-177.uninet.net.mx Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
Europeans looked around them and realized they needed to unite in order to present a common front to the United States. With the Soviet Union gone it must have seemed like a good idea to come together. No one's been at each other's throats like the Christian Europeans for the last several centuries, yet even though they don't speak with one tongue and have enough reason to be jealous and suspicious of one another for another 500 years, they decided to grow up a little. The Muslim world, or the Arabic-speaking part of it, would do well to follow along. Nasser tried it in the 50's and OPEC was another attempt...and both moves scared Whitey for obvious reasons. We Christians are the West's darlings so long as we keep clamoring for special and separate status...helps them keep the MidEast divided agaist itself. That's why the United States loves Muslim extremists and gives them a helping hand every chance it gets. For better or worse, the MidEast has to unite...America gives it no other choice. And we Christians will just have to bite the bullet and join. Since Indonesia has the largest population of Muslims, they can't quite unite around religion...the countries of the MidEast I mean. And since there are Arab Christians and Jews, it isn't accurate to call all Arabs Muslims eigher...or all Iraqis or Egyptians. Just as America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand can be lumped together as belonging to the English-speaking natons of the world, so too can the countries of the MidEast come under the banner of the Arabic language. If it was good enough for Khalil Gibran...it's more than good enough for this Assyrian. Except for Iran, Afghanistan and Turkey...but in those cases a common religion binds them so there's still a basis for some sort of unity. The Christians of the MidEast, including those who insist they are the only Assyrians because they are Christian would do far better to join the union than not. To hold out as some separate species has cost us nothing but misery and will lead to our ultimate ouster and then absorption into international Christianity anyway. Christ and his fishy Jews, with Andy's help, will have succeeded finally where ancient Israel never could. --------------------- |
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