The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> abuse

Posted by parhad (Guest) - Wednesday, January 21 2004, 20:58:56 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer
Website title:

...saw a bumper sticker in town..¨."People Who Abuse Animals Seldom Stop There".

What about governments that murder their own people...make their own people homeless...allow the children of their country to go to bed hungry...families to lose jobs...millions to go without medical care, or hope, or a chance in hell of doing much for their children...

will governments such as these treat the people of other governments very differently? If you make war on your Poor and downtrodden and powerless why would you stop there...why would you make nice with the even poorer and more miserable bastards in the Third World or anywhere?

If you live on a block of families with your own...and you beat and starve your own children would you make much of a guardian for the other kids on the block? If you beat the other kids on the block and try to run them over and chase them away from your house...will you be a good father to your own?

Maybe the war on was hardly a war IN Iraq...that barely lasted a week while the war ON Iraq went on for 15 years...maybe that war was first dreamed up when our government saw how easy it was to abuse Americans.

And now that it`s become so easy to abuse Darkies and A-rabs and Muslims and "Those" people...maybe we`re gonna get it even more at home.

Abuse is abuse. People are people. Children are children...and bastards are bastards whatever religion or party or nationality. We deserve everything we get...we literaly asked for was all there in Mein Kampf as it is in the surprises, only Murder...Incorporated.


The full topic:
  • abuse parhad - Wednesday, January 21 2004, 20:58:56 (EST)

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