The Inside Assyria Discussion Forum

=> cnn and christianity

cnn and christianity
Posted by pancho (Guest) - Wednesday, January 7 2004, 8:19:12 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows Me - Internet Explorer
Website title:

...overheard a hip American couple in San Miguel as they walked up a cute street. The woman said..."I havenīt listenned to CNN in TWO DAYS! I donīt know whatīs going on in the world."

My response, quite reasonably, was that as sheīs been listenning to CNN and their brethren for years EXCEPT for those two days...she doesnīt know whatīs going on in the world.

Which brings us to the uses of Christianity...for if you believe what Jew fishermen said 2000 years ago...especially when they said so many insulting and slighting things about your family and Heritage...what wonīt you believe? Including CNN.


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