graduate moaning |
Posted by
- Saturday, April 17 2004, 6:48:21 (EDT) from - Mexico - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
When I think of those people who were there such as the missionaries and foreign missions ...yes. Think about what they were doing there. Think about why they came to a Christian enclave to convert Christians to Christianity...think of the businessmen who support misssionary work..think about all the countries missionaries are sent to, like Iraq today, who just HAPPEN to have oil, or Palm groves, or bat guano, or rich forrests...think about why missionaries from the same European countries who for forty years murdered each other and everyone else in the millions and tens of millions for oil..for the same oil fields they`ve been fighting for since they discovered they needed the black goo to run their machinery...think about why they all of a sudden converged on the oil fields, not to convert the dominant Muslim population..are you kiding?..but to win ove people who were already Christian and had been for centuries...why? for the foreign missions..they are there to "oversee" the missionaries and behind them all stands Money and the Marines. I wonder how they were able to keep quiet vis a vis all the atrocities that they saw and they never reported them ...people who go on to make sure Iraqi children die and do it in great numbers and suffering pain too tend not to care too much for the suffering of long as they profit. yet they supported what happened to the Armenians as they still do today while our people who suffered at the same level and then some didn't even get to bury their dead let alone to have them recognized. What a shameful world. ...that was at least the parents of those Iraqi children got to bury them...look on the bright side. indeed has been a shameful century...dominated by Christianity. You people don`t "fight Evil" BRING it!!! --------------------- |
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