have to add... |
Posted by
el iraqui
- Tuesday, January 20 2004, 14:26:19 (EST) from - inet-gto-aztecas-1-fddi5-0-0.uninet.net.mx Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...can't say how many times I pissed people off by refusing to be "Great" for them. I'd get called a great artist...and then "world famous" and I'd have to stop and correct people...our people...no one throws around greatness like we do. I understand the motive...we all feel so incredibly shabby and worthless...like the only way we'll get any "Great" people is to just paste the word onto any shmuck who can tie his own shoes. It's a good thing we can't award medical degrees or you'd see the sorriest lot of "Great" doctors ever. It should be a lesson to us...when we have to grow up and act the part...go to REAL schools and learn REAL things with REAL standards...we not only do just fine...but we shine as well and become as capable and outstanding as anybody...more so. But...when it's a question of these quaint notions of history we have...of sociology, psychology, theology...when it's a matter of deciding ethnicity and nationhood...even though these disciplines all have advanced training available to them, we skip that step. Because we know...we'll get laughed out of any department if we make the kinds of statements Aprim makes...or the Hilltop or Ghassman... any of those we extoll for their "brilliance" when they're just blowing National Smoke up our Ethnic Arse in a way we happen to like, that pleases our vanity, our sense of entitlement and this awful need to be pathetic. It would be like one of our first year medical students, accepted at a prestigious school, showing up for classes carrying a hacksaw and welding torch in hand...and insisting these were implements used by the ancient Assyrians and if it was good enough back then...it's more than good enough today. And so we have our own experts...and they have their own history...and they use their own dictionary, of the English language no less...you can't even get them to look up the word "martyr"..."fuck you"...THEY know what THEY mean by it. ...and so it went. --------------------- |
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