it never even dawned on me... |
Posted by
- Friday, April 16 2004, 14:00:05 (EDT) from - - Windows XP - Internet Explorer Website: Website title: |
...after all we went through with Sadie...that we`d be right back there a few weeks later. It barely changes anything that the Empress asked to be did Sadie. The words blasted across our page..."No One Orders What He Or She Wants..." are as hollow as the praise the rest of them heap on themselves. I`m marginally glad that whoever the dimwit is who deleted the posts...was at least not doing it beacause of the posts...but it`s poor compensation for finding the place trashed...for seeing we`re no different than the rest. So we have "friends" with green hair what? Where do we come off making fun of aina because Pete`s friends have orange hair? The point isn`t who likes whom...the point is what is the BETTER thing to do. If we want mature Assyrians and not boys..then we have to hold their feet to the fire when they fall short..whether it`s Peter OR a friend of "ours". Deleting and banning just makes you infantile..and it`s a waste of time...better for us all if we speak the truth openly and show some courage..lord knows every writer who ever wrote offended his or her family..but look at what good they did...where would we have any culture at all if everybody worried what mommy and daddy and Nanajan or Jajo said? do we get our credibility back? Can you be a virgin again even after fucking yourself over? --------------------- |
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