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=> nazis unite!

nazis unite!
Posted by parhad (Guest) - Monday, January 12 2004, 18:35:02 (EST)
from - Mexico - Windows 98 - Internet Explorer
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Now missles might attack passenger planes. This is getting ridiculous. During the 50's and 60's we were convinced that dirt poor farmers in Guatemala were turning Communist and would soon be storming the beaches of Los Angeles and the Hamptons to wreak their envious revenge...when all they wanted was a job and a cow for milk for their starving children.

Americans must have a deep sense of guilt for all they've stolen and the ways in which they've manipulated the poor....a gnawing sense that they DESERVE to have their buildings collapse on their heads. And now we're off on another fifty-year journey through Fear that's going to empty our wallets and give us nothing but even more reasons to suspect the new horde of victims we leave in our wake want to "get us". It's an unending cycle and those who seek to make a buck for the short haul, no matter what, are running the show and they've found the magic button to press...FEAR.

A photo on the front page of the Herlad shows an American soldier in full Nazi dress poking around a home in Baghdad while an "enemy" infant naps on the floor. I was struck by how benign, almost even friendly, the caption made the scene to the soldier had been asked into the house in order to protect the sleeping child from another few Saddams, when Bush has killed more Iraqis than Saddam ever dreamed of.

It would be instructive to go back to some of the more infamous photos from World War II that show Nazi soldiers herding Jews and others the famous one of the terrified boy with his hands in the air while a German "liberator" stands guard behind him...with a new "improved" caption thought up by the same people who wrote the one I saw...something like, "German peacekeeper guards weeping boy".

Own the newspapers and you'll own the world...for the short haul.


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